Thursday 18 December 2014

Here is my friend, Kathie and myself with Kaffe during our one day workshop. Lots of fun!

Wednesday 17 December 2014

I was lucky enough to take a quilt course on Vachon Island, WA with Kaffe Fassett and Brandon Mably in October. The quilt store (Island Quilters) that sponsored it was absolutely amazing and their stock of Kaffe fabrics was outstanding. It was great fun and the first class I've ever taken with a name quilter. Haven't finished the quilt yet, but it's 'on my list'.The photo is a bit dark, but when I finish the quilt I'll take a better one.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Christmas BOM in progress:2014

I signed up for a BOM (block of the month) online to make a lovely wool Christmas quilt. I can do that, no problem, I thought. NOT! This is basically as far as I've got but hopefully after Christmas I can get back to it. Turns out completing one each month is a little more time consuming than I thought and I'm finding less time to sew/quilt most weeks. It'll get done, just not sure when. It is going to be very cute though.

Mom's wheelchair quilt 2014

Made this quilt using some leftover fabric from a baby quilt plus a few more. Mom was now in a wheelchair and I wanted something 'pretty' to cover her legs. She really liked it, which was nice.

Lilli's Baby Quilt -Feb. 2014

Made this quilt for a new great-niece born in Feb. 2014. Saw a similar one on Pinterest, so took the idea and expanded on it. First I hand appliqued the stems and flowers on but then decided it needed to be sturdier for a baby, so I went over it with machine stitching. After that I ended up adding more hand stitching around the flowers -don't ask my why! Machine pieced and quilted.

Williams cuddle quilt and his Giraffe Wallhanging

These quilts were made for a new great nephew named William, who was born in Calgary. The top one is made of minky fabric that I found online as his 'theme' was giraffes. I made it a good size, approximately 50 x 60" , so he can use it on the floor as a blanket. His Mom loved the softness of it. I quilted the 2 layers together.
The giraffe wall hanging is a Toni Whitley pattern that I enlarged as I wanted it bigger and then I added the borders to frame it (plus the jungle animals too). Some of the leaves are 3-D. It was very time consuming to make, but totally worth it.

Asian wallhanging

This quilt was a panel from Community Quilts ( our guild gives to various charities). I quilted it with gold metallic thread and added some borders to frame it. It went to an Alzheimer's facility as they like small wallhangings.

Logan's Baby Quilt

 I bought this lovely panel at a local quilt store and then quilted the heck out of it and was very pleased with the outcome as it made it look so much more 'handmade'. Gave it to my second little grandson, Logan, born on Oct. 2, 2014. I'm still planning on making him an appliqued wallhanging but this will do until then (plus this one is to use!).

Made this quilt for an 'adopted' grandson(my girlfriend's grandson who I am very close to),  who was turning 9 years old and who LOVED mazes! Found the free pattern online and it was very easy. Used up the leftover for the back and had a friend, Shelley, quilt it for me on her longarm. 
Sept. 2014

"A Slice of Langley Life" 2014

This is called a "Slice Quilt" and is named "A Slice Of Langley Life". It was made by a group of 8 quilters, all members of a smaller quilting group I belong to called "Around the Block Quilters". It was based on a photo that a fellow quilt guild member had taken a few years ago of a farm in Langley, BC. Each one of us was given a 'slice' or portion to work on and we collaborated on our choices of sky fabrics to make sure that one didn't stand out too much. We met several times to make sure our fences met up correctly but other than that we all interpreted it in our own way. My 'slice' is the second one from the left with 1/2 of the barn in it. It was definitely a learning experience but a very enjoyable one too. It was a big hit at our biennial quilt show last May 2014 and is now owned by our guild and displayed whenever we attend functions to promote our guild.

Not sure which photo is better so I added another one. 
